Articles - The universal field
contains various mixtures of five elements or Pancha Bhoodas
The Akash particles is the repository of all the secrets of nature
and is the source of all sciences prevailing among mankind.
The universal field contains various mixtures of five elements
Pancha Bhoodas
'element' or Bhooda denotes and is an associated field constituted
by specific proportions of Absolute Space and energy particles, both
of them being permeated by spreading waves radiated by the energy
particles and absorbed by the Absolute Space.
proportion of Space and energy particles varies within each Bhooda.
Based on this criterion , the Bhoodas have been divided into five
categories. The first is the Akash (energy particles) Field. The
other four divisions are nothing but the associated fields of Akash,
the density of the association increasing form one Bhooda to the
Air is
denser than Akash, Fire is denser than Air, Liquid is denser than
Fire Liquid is denser than Fire and Solid is denser than Liquid.
are five perceptible results of the actions and association of Akash
particles as five Bhoodas. These results are named as the Pancha
Tanmatras, i.e., pressure, sound, light, smell and taste.
Clashes, reflections, refractions and interactions of the spreading
waves from Akash particles on other Bhoodas and within each Bhooda
result in Five Tanmatras.
division of the Pancha Bhoodas is distinguished according to each of
the Tanmatras which is predominantly perceptible.
the clash of waves proceeding from Akash particles, there is one
result, namely, 'Pressure'. Those waves are manifested to our
perception as pressure. Akash is considered the first Bhooda,
correspondingly pressure is the first Tanmatra.
Air is
the primary result of association of akash particles. The air field
is very thin and feeble in intensity. In air, sound is predominantly
perceptible and the pressure is latent, although it is there. Air is
considered as the second of the Pancha Bhoodas and correspondingly
sound is the second Tanmatra is light.
air, the next thickly intensified, i.e., denser association of
energy particles is fire. Fire contains three actions. Among them,
light is predominantly perceptible and the other two, pressure and
sound are subdued.
fire is distinguished as the third element (Bhooda) in the
evolutionary process of Nature; the corresponding Tanmatra is light.
next more densely associated field of energy particles is Liquid.
There, the taste is predominantly perceptible and the three subtler
Tanmatras (pressure, sound and light) are subdued or latent. Liquid
is the fourth Bhooda and the fourth Tanmatra is taste.
last, final and densest field of energy association is Solid which
contains five actions. In solid, smell is predominantly perceptible
and the other our subtler Tanmatras are subdued within. Solid is the
fifth Bhooda and correspondingly smell is the fifth Tanmatra.
we see that according to the intensify of the field, there are five
differing results: pressure, sound, light, taste and smell which are
called Tanmatras. Elements are classified and named differently on
the basis of the association of energy particles and Tanmatras are
also classified and named differently. Pancha Tanmatras, i.e.
pressure sound, light, smell and taste are experienced only by the
consciousness inherent in the life force of living beings.
every objects, the pressure force exists to a certain degree because
of the spreading waves of the particles by which it is constituted.
When the degree of pressure increases to a certain level, it is
automatically converted into Tanmatras, i.e., pressure, etc., These
degrees of functions and their conversions are perceived by man as
relative feelings.
living being is a combination of the Pancha Bhoodas. So, from any
living being, certain extent of all the five Tanmatras are emanating
from its body continuously due to the circulation and functions of
the life force. When a living being comes into contact with any
subject through the senses, its Tanmatras are induced to raise to
the level of the Tanmatras of the object.
consciousness inherent in the life force particles senses (feels)
the difference between its original level and the present induced
level and the expenditure of life force correspondingly increases.
This expenditure of life energy is experienced as sensation.
It is
an universal law that the life force is subject to accelerate or
aggravate according to the atmospheric disturbance. As everything is
radiating its own wave of its natural character - the clash,
reflection, refraction and interaction of one wave results in the
inducement of the same character in the object receiving the waves.
Therefore, distinguishing of the degrees of force into Tanmatras by
the senses and measuring the differences of degrees of forces
between one another by comparison are the finding and judging of
consciousness inherent in life force.
the secrets of the universe are contained in each energy particle
and the consciousness inherent in it.
Every movement of the particle,
each wave radiated,
each wave received from other particles and atoms and
the consequent reflections, refractions and interactions are
imprinted, maintained and recorded in the energy particle.
sum total of such recordings conditions the quality of character of
every particle in its functioning with specific
precision and
Akash particles is the repository of all the secrets of the nature
and is the source of all sciences prevailing among mankind.
Therefore, I am emphasizing the value of the Akash particle and
insisting that all the truth seekers and scientists should
understand clearly this principle and conduct researches in this
subject, for, it will lead not only to the enlightenment of man, but
also to the eventual emancipation of the mankind. |