Articles - Others cannot harm you
must understand the simple fact that no-one can harm another
according to his whims fancies. Sufferings come to you under the law
of cause-and-effect; and the person who causes the suffering is only
agent of this Law.
Everyone carries within him the imprints of his Karma. When a person
does something wrong, something sinful, he has to bear the
consequences of such actions. Nature has to bring out and erase the
imprints of sins and thus purify him. This process of purification
may sometimes be achieved by the individual's own action that may
result in pain or suffering to him. At other times the pain or
suffering may come to him through the action of others.
Whatever be the agency through which pain comes, you must not forget
that the cause was in your own deeds and that the suffering that
falls to your lot is meant to purify you.
individual who causes pain to you is only an instrument in the hands
of Nature. His own Karma has made him do harm to you. He will have
to bear the consequences of his actions sooner or later, but that is
not your concern.
you must constantly remember is that nothing in the Universe can
bring you suffering unless your actions warrant it.